Medcan Australia (Medcan) is pleased to announce its participation in CMOS.
CMOS is a cannabis medicine observational study that will be run in collaboration with GP’s and specialists around Australia. This study aims to recruit 20,000 Australian patients undergoing treatment with medicinal cannabis.
CMOS will benefit participating clinicians, and their patients, by providing insight into medicinal cannabis prescribing and treatment practices from clinics around Australia participating in CMOS. Insights will be provided in the form of de-identified aggregated data reports including information on product dosing/categories being prescribed, patient reported outcomes (PROs) and adverse events reported by study participants, to be released to participating clinics on a quarterly basis. This data will provide a useful resource for clinicians who may be prescribing medicinal cannabis products and wish to gain better insight into the current Australian prescribing landscape.
Prescribing doctors will have access to MEDCAN products and will collect safety and efficacy data for a range of indications including fibromyalgia, chronic pain syndromes, PTSD, epilepsy and other mental health and neurological conditions.
Further information and participation criteria can be requested at: